Orly Enrique Apolo Apolo
PhD Student & Researcher at University of Seville.

Orly Enrique Apolo Apolo
PhD student at School of Agricultural Engineering (University of Seville). Strong research background with expertise in using artificial intelligence in precision farming. Currently, working in developing models for yield estimation in orchards trees. Also, he has experience in spectral sensors, infrared thermometers, LiDAR sensors among others.
Research lines
These are some of the main lines of research in which Enrique Apolo has been working in recent years.
He has expertise in xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx xxxx xxxxxxx x xxxxx xxxxxxxx.
Smart irrigation management
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RHEA is focused on the design, development, and testing of a new generation of automatic and robotic systems for both chemical and physical –mechanical and thermal– effective weed management.
Deficit irrigation.
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Other relevant information
In the last 5 years Jorge Martínez has achieved XXX publications indexed in JCR, Science Edition, of ISI.