GO DS4Canola

Digital parameterization and traceability of oilseed rape crop for sustainable management

GO DS4Canola

2022 – 2026

GO DS4Canola

Digital parameterization and traceability of oilseed rape crop for sustainable management aims to provide new decision-making models to achieve a more sustainable canola crop, with higher yields for the farmer and more guarantees for the consumer, through advanced monitoring systems, Machine Learning-based algorithms and connected machinery. Funded by Regional Spanish Government. GOPG-SE-20-0010

Project details

Reference: GOPG-SE-20-0010
Type: Research project
Funding program: Other Projects Junta Andalucía
Funding Entity: Consejería de Agricultura, Pesca y Desarrollo Rural (Department of Agriculture, Fishing and Rural Development)
Scope: Regional
Competitive call: Yes
Start date: 15/09/2022
End date: 15/03/2024

Prisma: https://prisma.us.es/financiacion/15692

SISIUS: https://investigacion.us.es/sisius/sis_proyecto.php?idproy=36717

Web: www.ds4canola.com

GO DS4Canola